its morning already :\ i was dead tired.. still didnt sleep at all.. turning all nite, hoping to fall asleep. y cant i sleep? :S computer always seems to calm me.. wat a freak i am :S my brain seems to have shut down these days, cant think of any sane thoughts, cant seem to study.. i try... but still :\
my heart has gone stone, regrets, hatred, anger, pain... had too much of everything. all cramped up. now i dont think from the heart.. reasons.. need reasons for everything these days.. even a reason to love...
"ur a very nice guy... u must have a gf" yeah sure.. i wish, i dont want someone else to get confused with me.. y do ppl think that am the same guy in real life that i am in my cyber life?
surrounded by alot of ppl, still i feel alone. may be coz i am alone? or may be i think i am alone. one wish i got, that there wud be thousands at my funeral, but then again y leave all those ppl sad. i think i'll die one day, ppl wont even notice. death, today tomorrow, dont seem to make any difference to me... not that i led an angelic life, being pious in my day to day life. but still, aint afraid of it, nor do i have any duty to my family.
na manzil na rah... chalu may kaha? dhoondu may kiya?<